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Elizabeth Drwal Stuttard

Vocal Coach and Choral Facilitator, Script Writer, and Opera Director.

Studied Music and Dance at Leeds University, Film at Goldsmiths College, London, and Vocal studies with Glenville Hargraves at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester. She also holds a Post Graduate Teaching Certificate and an MA in Vocal Pedagogy (Dist) from the University of Wales and Level 1 & 2 Estill voice training. Elizabeth is also an accredited coach with VocalProcess UK.

Elizabeth has worked with the major UK opera companies and as a staff producer at the Royal Opera House in London. She has written and produced many award-winning short films. In 2023, with composer Andrew Synnott, she wrote and directed the youth Opera ‘Seedlings’.

Elizabeth teaches online lessons which allows students to enjoy the flexibility of fitting lessons around their changing timetables, work schedules or even travel plans!

Conference engagements.

Voice Geeks Conference, 2019, Colchester, UK she delivered her preliminary research on developing children's aural perception through kinaesthetic activities.

Society for Music Education in Ireland's annual conference in Dublin, January 2020: 'Can imagery support the acquisition of vocal technique in primary-aged children?'

Parkinson UK 2020 conference: Singing for health and wellbeing. Strategies for improving expiration strength and vocal loudness in Parkinson's.

Singing for healthcare network, UK. February 2021 presentation and demonstration video of her research into practice.

British Voice Association 'Choice for voice conference', Leeds, September 2021: 'The effects of raising the accuracy of proprioception in seated Parkinson's singers as part of a creative singing and movement programme to improve expiration strength.'